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Kirsten Smith

What's a Fractional Integrator?

There’s a buzz in business circles these days about Fractional Integrators… and also Fractional CFO’s, CMO’s, and probably a whole host of others. And while some people are fully in tune with what this is, others are left a little in the dark. I’d love to clear up confusion, and offer some insight, so in this blog, I’ll tackle:

  1. What is a “Fractional Integrator”?

  2. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

  3. When is the right time (if ever) to partner with one, and what should you look for?


What is a “Fractional Integrator"?

Per Merriam-Webster:

Fractional adjective

frac·​tion·​al ˈfrak-shnəl  -shə-nᵊl

1: of, relating to, or being a fraction

2: of, relating to, or being fractional currency

3: relatively small INCONSIDERABLE

While #2 from that definition does not apply to our conversation, the other two have some bearing.

A Fractional Integrator is someone who fills the Integrator seat in your organization on a part-time or short-term basis.

They often fill the gap when a leader holds both the Visionary & Integrator seats in an organization, or when an Integrator leaves the organization. We call this person “fractional” because they typically work part-time with an organization, rather than being a full-time, permanent employee. For example, they might spend one day per week with an organization, thus filling 1/5 of the typical full-time role, a “relatively small” (though certainly not inconsequential) contribution.


The Fractional Integrator may also play the role of teacher and coach for an Integrator who is seeking to learn and grow, which can be especially impactful for an organization or Integrator who is new to EOS®.


So, is working with a Fractional Integrator a good thing or a bad thing?

As is so often the case, the answer really is - it depends.

A great Fractional Integrator looks at themself as an “interim Integrator,” staying in the organization just long enough to hit on some key ideas, often including:

  • Stabilizing the company

  • Accomplishing key goals

  • Demonstrating to the Visionary, leadership team, and employees what the role of an Integrator looks and feels like when it’s done well

Another important role that the Fractional Integrator often plays is helping to hire a permanent Integrator, and then coaching them once they’re onboarded. Makes sense right? Your Fractional Integrator not only knows the role well, but is also familiar with your company, giving them great insight into who will best fill that role.


When is the right time to partner with a Fractional Integrator?

There are several indicators that you would benefit from a Fractional Integrator.

  • When you don’t have a rock star (a.k.a. “Integrator”) in place

  • When your rock-star-in-training needs coaching

  • When you’re ready to take the company to the next level, and you need a “Jesus Nut”

Did that last one – “Jesus Nut” – take you by surprise?

Let me explain.

I don’t mean that in the religious sense. I’m talking about the slang term which originated with American soldiers during the Vietnam War. At the time, helicopters had a nut that held the rotor blades on. The idea was that if this particular nut detached during flight, the rotors and the chopper would go their separate ways, leaving those in the chopper with no recourse except a quick prayer. Pilots learned to check this nut before each flight to avoid the frantic Jesus chat, thus “Jesus Nut”.

Although that seems a little dark for the corporate world, here’s the other side of that coin: As long as the nut remained in place, the bird had a good chance of reaching its destination. And that, my friends, is what we’re talking about here. Your Integrator is your Jesus Nut. If you want to achieve great heights, you need someone to keep the rotors on your ‘copter. And that’s your Integrator.

With the right person in that crucial seat, you’re likely to reach your destination.


I’ve worked with some great fractional integrators and have an exciting announcement coming soon. If you haven’t already, join my mailing list (below) to be notified when that goes live.

About the Author

Kirsten Smith, founder of Made to Thrive Consulting, is a business management strategist and EOS Implementer®. She has over 20 years Business Development and Management experience with small and large organizations alike, including those listed among the Fortune 500. She is both a business professional and motivational speaker covering a range of topics including attitude change, effective sales techniques, customer service excellence, and personality profiling. Her passion is helping entrepreneurs and leaders be the very best version of themselves and to do more than just survive … THRIVE!

Contact Kirsten at 

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